Nucleated red blood cells and lymphocytes

nRBC vs lymph

This image shows two nucleated RBC (polychrmatophilic to orthrochromic metarubricytes), one with basophilic stippling from RNA in the cytoplasm (black arrowhead) and another without basophilic stippling (red arrowhead). A small lymphocyte (arrow) is also present. The latter can be distinguished from the nRBC by the following features:
Nuclear chromatin: The lymphocyte has a viable nucleus with clumpy to blocky chromatin, whereas the nRBCs have pyknotic nuclei with condensed chromatin.
Cytoplasm color: The lymphocyte has a blue cytoplasm whereas the nRBC have a cytoplasm the color of mature erythrocytes (red) or immature polychromatophils (purple). In this case they are more red than purple.
Borders: The cytoplasmic border of the lymphocyte is smooth and uniform and more “ruffled” or irregular in the nRBC.

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